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How To Get Better At Chess: A 12-Step Guide
Chess is a game that requires a lot of focus, practice, and hard work. When a player starts learning the game, they go through a process that includes knowing the…

5 Tips To Become A Better Chess Player
You’ve got to work the RIGHT WAY to make it to the top as a pro chess player. In this article, we’ll recommend tips on how you can achieve that Top Player…

Stalemate vs Checkmate: All You Need to Know
The game of chess is a battle of minds. It is an arena where only the strongest minds and the smartest tactics prevail. There is no place for weakness in…

Who Invented Chess?
Chess is well-known worldwide and has many fans, but its roots and origins are unclear and highly debatable. Numerous legends, stories, and educated guesses range from where it came from…

Six Tips To Win At Chess
One of the first questions every beginner chess player asks is how to win at chess. The only way to win a game is to checkmate an opponent's king. Winning…

How Does The Rook Move in Chess?
The rook moves vertically and horizontally on the chess board. You can view it as moving in a plus (+) manner. From the image above, we can see that the…

Ian Nepomnachtchi Wins The Candidates Tournament 2022 While Ding Comes Second
Round 14 of the Candidates Tournament 2022 saw Ian Nepominiachtchi draw against Jan Krzysztof Duda after already booking his slot in the World Chess Championship. Ding Liren beat Hikaru Nakamura…

How Were Chess Pieces Named?
The game of chess has been in existence since the sixth century. However, the six pieces used in the game took nearly a thousand years to reach their modern form.…

Ian Nepo Almost Has His World Championship Rematch After Round 12 Of The FIDE Candidates
Round 12 of the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022 was an eventful round. Ian Nepominiachtchi and Hikaru Nakamura blitzed their game and agreed to a draw in 7 minutes, Ding lost…

Nepo Maintains Top Spot, Fabi Loses To Duda In Round 10 Of The FIDE Candidates
With only five rounds left in the Candidates Tournament of 2022, there was still room for an upset in the standings. Ian Nepominiachtchi led the pack on 6.5 points, with…

How Does A King Move In Chess?
The world of chess is a realm of hierarchy. The chess pieces or chessmen have their respective worth and value. One particular piece that stands head and shoulders above every…

Alireza, Radjabov, and Ding Grab First Wins In Round 9 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament
Ding Liren, Alireza Firouzja, and Teimour Radjabov ended their winless droughts in round 9 of the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022. It’s almost like the trio conspired in a plot to…

Richard Rapport Seals His First Win In Round 8 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
Only one player remains unbeaten after Round 8 of the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022: Ian Nepomniachtchi. The Russian has a score of +4-0=4 so far in the tournament, and he’s…

Simple Breakdown Of Chess Tempo
Imagine you could move your pieces more than once each turn while playing chess. Making multiple moves per turn increases Whites' first-mover advantage because development is much faster, and White…

Ian Nepomniachtchi Seals A Fourth Win In Round 7 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
Coming into Round 7 of the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022, Ian Nepominiachtchi was the sole leader with 4.5 points out of a possible 6. The closest was former world championship…

Another Bitter Loss For Alireza In Round 6 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
It seems Magnus Carlsen might not be getting his wish as his preferred challenger languishes at the sole bottom of the standings. Round 6 of the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022…

Magnus Carlsen Urges Ian Nepomniachtchi To “Be A Shark” After Round 5 Of The FIDE
Ian Nepomniachtchi came into Round 5 as the sole leader, thanks to his convincing win against Alireza Firouzja in the previous round. He aimed to carry on his winning form…

FIDE Chess Ratings: The Who, What, Why and How
One way that chess players track their progress and measure their skill level is through the use of FIDE chess ratings. The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) is the international…

How Do Bishops Move in Chess?
For both players (White or Black), there are two bishops each – named the light-squared bishop and dark-squared bishop. These bishops move only diagonally in chess. This means that any…

It’s A Fiesta Of EPIC Truces In Round 3 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
Going into Round 3, Ian Nepominiachtchi and Fabiano Caruana were the sole leaders with 1.5 points each. In the previous round, all of the games except one were drawn. The…

Hikaru Nakamura Forces A Win In Round 2 Of The FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
Coming into Round 2, there were mixed feelings around the Palace of Santoña. While Nepo and Fabi were definitely in full gear mode with their impressive wins in round 1,…

Big Wins For Ian Nepomniachtchi And Fabiano Caruana In The Round 1 of The FIDE
The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here! After the last championship match between Ian Nepomniachtchi and world chess champion Magnus Carlsen where Magnus retained the title, chess…

How do Chess Pieces Move?
Now that you know how to set up a chess board, you're asking yourself, how do these pieces move? We'll show you how. Moving the Pawn Pawns can only move…

Can A Queen Move Like A Knight?
The answer is NO. The queen in no way moves like the knight in chess. A queen combines the mobility of every piece on the chess board except the knight.…

What is a Blunder in Chess?
In the game of chess, a blunder means a terrible move. The chess notation for a blunder is a double question mark "??" after the move. Let's see a popular…

The Game Of Thrones Chess Set (And Characters Represented)
It is not news that chess is a way of life. An excellent chess player can see life through the lens of the beautiful game. Therefore, it doesn't come as…

What is Stalemate In Chess?
A stalemate is a type of draw that occurs when your opponent is unable to make any legal moves to a safe square while not being checked. See the position…

How To Play The 2 Move Checkmate
The 2 move Checkmate, also called the Fool’s Mate, is a combination of moves in a chess game that allows the player with the black pieces to checkmate the white…

How Many Squares Are On A Chessboard?
It's easy to jump to a conclusion here and come up with 64 squares, but is it actually correct? Of course, if you're simply looking at the small squares occupied…

Tanitoluwani Adewumi: Refugee To National Chess Master
Tanitoluwa Adewumi is one of the world's fastest rising chess stars. Tani discovered the game of chess in a homeless shelter in New York, after his family fled from the…

How To Castle Queenside In Chess
The game of chess is a game of strategy; It involves both the art of attack and defence. Every chess players should possess adequate knowledge of both art and apply…

How Many Chess Pieces Are In A Set?
The number of chess pieces in a set is 32, and each player has 16 pieces. Chess pieces in a set include the King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, and Pawn.…

How To Set Up A Chessboard Easily
The chessboard has 64 squares, 32 are dark and 32 are white. There are 32 chess pieces, 16 of which are White's and 16 of which are Black's. For each…

10 Of The Best Chess Openings For Black
The opening is an important aspect of any chess game. More often than not, whether a player wins or loses, the game is decided by how well they can play…

Can A King Kill A King In Chess?
In chess, the king is the most important piece on the board. It can move one square in any direction, but it cannot move into a square that is under…

How Does The Queen Move in Chess?
The queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard. She can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. It's like combining the powers of a rook and…