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Insights to help you grow your chess skills

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Chess News

Chess Basics

  • What is Stalemate In Chess?

    A stalemate is a type of draw that occurs when your opponent is unable to make any legal moves to…

    June 6, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    stalemate in chess
  • What Is the Exchange Sacrifice in Chess?

    An exchange sacrifice is a chess move where a player trades their rook for the opponent’s bishop or knight. This…

    January 23, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Exchange Sacrifice in Chess
  • What Is Material Advantage In Chess?

    Material refers to the number of pieces and pawns on the board. An advantage in chess refers to a situation…

    April 22, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    A boy studying a chess board
  • How To Castle Queenside In Chess

    The game of chess is a game of strategy; It involves both the art of attack and defence. Every chess…

    June 2, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Queenside Castling

Question And Answers

  • Why Is Chess So Popular? Here Are 5 Reasons

    It's no longer news that chess's popularity has boomed in recent years. You turn here, you turn there, you see…

    April 20, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Fischer playing against Spassky
  • Chess Etiquette: 9 Basic Dos and Donts for Players

    Chess is not all about tactics and strategies and crushing your opponents. You also need to learn how to follow…

    September 6, 2023
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    round 7 of the fide candidates tournament 2022
  • Do I Have To Say Check In Chess?

    No, you don't need to. Saying check after an attack on an opponent's king used to be required but it…

    April 22, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Two friends playing chess outdoors
  • Is Chess a Hobby?

    YES, Chess is a great hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is…

    September 7, 2023
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Man moving the white chess pieces

Chess Players and History

Openings For White

Openings For Black

Chess Advice


Chess Pieces Movement

Fide Titles

  • How to Become a FIDE Certified Chess Coach?

    Being a certified chess instructor is a fantastic method for chess players to earn more money with their chess talents,…

    March 15, 2022
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    FIDE Trainers’ Commission
  • Duties and Roles of a Chess Arbiter

    Arbiters are highly trained referees with official certification from the World Chess Federation (FIDE), who ensure games adhere to the…

    September 17, 2023
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    chess arbiter holding out black and white pieces for players to choose
  • What is the Lowest Title in Chess?

    The Candidate Master (CM) title is the lowest title in chess, which is awarded to players who surpass an official FIDE rating…

    November 30, 2023
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Man in front of chessboard
  • Women Chess Players Speak Against Women Chess Titles

    Given the various portrayals in pop culture, the chess boom that resulted from Netflix's release of Queen Gambit, which featured…

    March 13, 2025
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Judit Polgar and Vaishali Rameshbabu featuring on a design about the suggestion abolishment of Women's titles

Checkmate Patterns

Boards And Pieces

Flank Openings


Chess Variants

Chess Career

Unconventional Openings

  • 10 Weird Chess Openings with Animal Names

    We have always been fascinated with the creative and amusing names of some chess openings. Openings like these are usually…

    July 15, 2021
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Weird Chess Openings with Animal Names
  • 10 Openings Named After Famous Chess Players

    There are thousands of openings (along with variations) in chess theory. Many chess players discovered chess openings and stamped their…

    August 30, 2021
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    10 openings named after popular chess players
  • Top 10 Popular Chess Gambits To Try Out

    As chess players, our styles of play sometimes depend on our mood and, of course, the importance of the game.…

    December 14, 2021
    Chessforsharks Editorial Team

    Chess Gambit




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