Chess Basics
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What is Flagging in Chess?
In chess, the flag refers to the timer that tracks each player's total time to complete all moves. If your flag falls, you lose on time. Hence, Flagging in chess…

What is a Draw in Chess?
A draw in chess simply means the game ended in a tie - neither player won. There are a few ways a draw can happen: Stalemate This is when your…

What is Sandbagging in Chess?
Sandbagging in chess refers to deliberately hiding your true skill level to gain a competitive advantage. Sandbaggers play below their actual strength to lull their opponent into a false sense…

How To Play Blitz Chess
Blitz chess is a fast-paced chess game where each player has a limited amount of time to make their moves. The typical time limit for a blitz game is 5…

What is a Fortress in Chess?
A fortress in chess refers to a defensive structure that's difficult for your opponent to penetrate. Essentially, it's a position that protects your king and maintains control of key central…

What Are The Different Chess Time Controls?
Ever wonder why some chess games seem to fly by while others drag on for what seems like hours? The time control is the reason. As a chess player, the…

How to Play Classical Chess
Classical chess is standard chess played at a slower time control. It's the traditional form of chess that emphasizes strategic gameplay and careful planning. For over the board matches, the…

How to Play Bullet Chess
Ever wondered how those chess players on the park benches move so fast? They're probably playing bullet chess. In bullet chess, each player usually has less than 3 minutes total…

How to Play Rapid Chess
Rapid chess is a fast-paced version of chess where each player has just 15 to 30 minutes to complete all their moves. This means that you don't get to have…

Who Starts The Clock in Chess?
The player handling the black pieces is usually the person to starts the clock to allow White to make the first move. Afterward the first move (say d4 or e4),…

What is Threefold Repetition in Chess?
Ever been in a chess game where the same position just keeps repeating over and over? You make a move, your opponent counters, a few moves later you're back where…

All You Need to Know About Blindfold Chess
Ever wondered what it's like to play chess without seeing the board? Blindfold chess is an incredible skill where players compete without looking at the physical chessboard. If you've never…

What Side Does The Chess Clock Go On?
A very common practice is that the player with the black pieces chooses which side the clock goes on. This is because the player with white pieces always gets to…

What is Underpromotion In Chess?
You’re in the middle of an intense chess match and your pawn has made it all the way across the board. Now you have a choice to make. Do you…

What Is the Touch Move Rule in Chess?
Ever wondered why chess players are so hesitant to touch their pieces until they’re absolutely sure about their move? It’s because of something called the touch move rule. The touch…

How To Play Chess For Beginners: Learn Rules, Moves, Setup, Efficient Tactics & Strategy
Did you recently encounter a fancy-looking game, and you'd like to know more about this mysterious game? Would you like to know how to play chess? Then, you've come to…

How to Learn Chess: A Complete Beginners’ Guide
Chess is one of the most popular board games of all time. It's widely loved, played worldwide for centuries and has inspired one of the most popular Netflix series in…

How To Be A Chess Grandmaster In 11 Detailed Steps –
The grandmaster title is the ultimate achievement in chess, second only to the world championship. 600+ players have earned the GM title worldwide, after years of commitment and toil. Aspiring…

Simple Breakdown Of Chess Tempo
Imagine you could move your pieces more than once each turn while playing chess. Making multiple moves per turn increases Whites' first-mover advantage because development is much faster, and White…

What is a Blunder in Chess?
In the game of chess, a blunder means a terrible move. The chess notation for a blunder is a double question mark "??" after the move. Let's see a popular…

What is Stalemate In Chess?
A stalemate is a type of draw that occurs when your opponent is unable to make any legal moves to a safe square while not being checked. See the position…

How To Castle Queenside In Chess
The game of chess is a game of strategy; It involves both the art of attack and defence. Every chess players should possess adequate knowledge of both art and apply…

When (and Why) was En passant Invented in Chess? With Examples
The En passant rule was invented between 1200 and 1600 in Europe (some sources specifically state 1561), along with the introduction of the two-square first move for pawns, castling, and…

Can You Castle After Being Checked?
The short answer is YES....and NO. See why in this example: In the position above, Black just played Bb4+ checking the White king. As with the rules of chess, White…