Chess Pieces Movement
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How Does The Rook Move in Chess?
The rook moves vertically and horizontally on the chess board. You can view it as moving in a plus (+) manner. From the image above, we can see that the…

How Were Chess Pieces Named?
The game of chess has been in existence since the sixth century. However, the six pieces used in the game took nearly a thousand years to reach their modern form.…

How Does A King Move In Chess?
The world of chess is a realm of hierarchy. The chess pieces or chessmen have their respective worth and value. One particular piece that stands head and shoulders above every…

How Do Bishops Move in Chess?
For both players (White or Black), there are two bishops each – named the light-squared bishop and dark-squared bishop. These bishops move only diagonally in chess. This means that any…

How do Chess Pieces Move?
Now that you know how to set up a chess board, you're asking yourself, how do these pieces move? We'll show you how. Moving the Pawn Pawns can only move…

Can A Queen Move Like A Knight?
The answer is NO. The queen in no way moves like the knight in chess. A queen combines the mobility of every piece on the chess board except the knight.…

Can A King Kill A King In Chess?
In chess, the king is the most important piece on the board. It can move one square in any direction, but it cannot move into a square that is under…

How Does The Queen Move in Chess?
The queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard. She can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. It's like combining the powers of a rook and…

Can a King Check Another King in Chess?
This answer is a simple NO. There is no way in chess that you can use your king to check your opponent's king or vice versa. Let's explain why: In…

How Does a Knight Move in Chess?
The knight is the only chess piece that moves in a weird way compared to other chess pieces. Every other chess piece moves horizontally, vertically and diagonally but the knight…

Why Are Rooks More Important Than Bishops?
Before jumping to a conclusion, let's have a look at how each piece moves. The bishop in chess moves in a diagonal fashion as can be seen in the position…

Can The King Jump In Chess?
No, the king cannot jump in chess. It's probably easy to mistake the king for the knight which is the only chess piece that can actually jump over other pieces,…

Can Bishops Jump in Chess?
The answer to the question is NO. Bishops can't 'jump' in chess. These long-ranged pieces only move along diagonals and can't move over other pieces. If the Bishops happen to…

Which Chess Piece Can Only Move Diagonally?
There are six(6) distinct chess pieces, and four(4) of them can move diagonally. The four chess pieces that are allowed to move diagonally are the BISHOP, KING, QUEEN and PAWN.…

How To Win Chess With Only A Queen
We know you're seeking a shortcut, a way to maybe beat your friend or dad at chess by just using your queen to decisively win but hold on... First, you…

Can Pawns Move Backwards In Chess?: Understanding The Chess Pieces
The pawn is the chessboard's worker bee. It's an eager soldier marching into battle, ready to establish a valiant front line against raiding invaders. In the hands of a novice,…

All you need to know about Pawns in Chess
Introduction What are pawns? Pawns are foot soldiers in chess. They are regarded as such because they carry the least point value in a chess game. Valued at just a…